Chapter 5: Difficult Design

Difficult design, desktop dimension, closed tracklist Difficult design, desktop dimension, open tracklist
Difficult design, desktop dimension
Difficult design, tablet dimension, closed tracklist Difficult design, desktop dimension, open tracklist
Difficult design, tablet dimension
Difficult design, mobile dimension, closed tracklist Difficult design, mobile dimension, open tracklist
Difficult design, mobile dimension

5A: Small Elements

The difficult design has two major areas of focus: the album cover/tracklist, and the diamond images. The rest of the design is fairly straightforward. Therefore, we'll leave it to you to work on this and design a solution for other elements on the page in this starting exercise.

The final design includes some double lines on the corners of some boxes. For now, ignore these. We will create these in the next exercise.

The HTML is in the correct order, but you may need to add some elements (like lightning bolts and maybe some additional styling markup).

The CSS includes the medium solution layers that correspond with this HTML. Reuse code where possible.

Refer to screenshots for styling each part of the page. Media queries will occur at 800px and 1400px.

When working through the small elements, remember to iterate over the following steps:

Difficult design, small elements, mobile complete Difficult design, small elements, mobile complete
Mobile and tablet completed screenshots of small elements
Difficult design, small elements, desktop complete
Desktop completed screenshot of small elements

5B: Double border corners

Double corner borders on two small elements.
Double corner borders on two of the page's elements.

Double borders on just the corner of some boxes may seem impossible to start with. However, there are several possible solutions to this issue.

We will use an approach that requires no extra markup. Instead, if the container contains at least one child, we can hijack the before and after nodes of the container and the first child to create boxes. Show the border only on two sides and position these extra boxes at the edges of the container.

5C: Navigation

Difficult design, nav elements, mobile complete Difficult design, nav elements, mobile complete
Mobile and tablet navigation
Difficult design, nav elements, desktop complete
Desktop navigation

This CodePen includes the navbar, album cover, audio player, and tracklist from our medium design, including markup and CSS.

I've mixed in the CSS from our previous work (base, reviews, album, footer) with the CSS from our medium final design (nav, audio, playlist). Everything seems to be working well.

To the HTML, I've added 2 more links for this design, Music and Signup.

The JavaScript panel contains the scripts to run the hamburger button and the audio player.

Can you make the final tweaks for this design for the navigation? Media queries should be set to 500px, 800px, and 1000px.

5D: Social icons on the cover

Difficult design, vertical icons on the album cover, mobile  and tablet Difficult design, vertical icons on the album cover, desktop
Social icon configuration on mobile/tablet and desktop.

We have social icons that are laid out vertically on mobile and tablet, but horizontally on the edge of the album image on desktop. Should we use Flexbox or Grid? Do we need positioning? If not, what's a great alternative?

5E: Tracklist on mobile

Difficult design, mobile tracklist closed under the audio player Difficult design, mobile tracklist open under the audio player
Tracklist configuration for the mobile design.

The tracklist for this design is hidden behind a button. When the button is clicked, the tracklist appears.

This is relatively straightforward to code, but when we switch to tablet/desktop, this will get more challenging.

For now, we need to do the following:

Open and close the tracklist

Some JavaScript you'll need to run the tracklist:

/* hide/reveal the tracklist */
document.querySelector(".button-tracklist").addEventListener("click", () => {
  document.querySelectorAll(".hidden").forEach((item) => {

In the CSS:

  .hidden {
    display: none;
  .showing {
    display: table;

In the HTML:

<table class="hidden">

Changing the button text on click

You'll need this JavaScript to do this.

/* Copied and modified from

I am very sure you could somehow combine this functionality with the functionality above, but I am not enough of a JS person to do this!

const btn = document.getElementById('tracklist');

// ✅ Toggle button text on click
btn.addEventListener('click', function handleClick() {
  const initialText = 'Tracklist';

  if (btn.textContent.includes(initialText)) {
    btn.textContent = 'Close \u2716';
  } else {
    btn.textContent = initialText;

5F: Tracklist on tablet and desktop

Difficult design, tablet and desktop tracklist closed next to the audio player Difficult design, tablet and desktop tracklist open next to the audio player
Tracklist configuration for the tablet and desktop designs.

The next thing to do is to get the tracklist up to the left side of the album cover, turn the button on its side, and have the tracklist fly out to the left on click rather than flying down. The design is the same for tablet and mobile.

To accomplish this, we'll do the following:

5G: Diamonds

10 images in a diamond configuration

Our starting pen has 10 bullets, and I've given you the styling as background images for each bullet. This is to save time, because it's a lot of typing 😄

5H: Putting it all together

Let's assemble everything we've built into a single page. Your source CodePens include:

Recommended approach

5I: Adding the desktop breakpoint

We'll change our desktop breakpoint from 1000px to 1400px and add a little code to make our desktop design. And that's it -- we're done here!

Want more?

If you want to push this page even further, consider how you could make the tracklist dynamic.